The Cleanup module provides a utility to easily cleanup large amounts of data within IQSweb. It is recognized that after converting from the legacy version of IQS and also just using IQS over time, many data areas such as lists of instructors, certifiers and issuers for example can become cluttered with several entries that are the same data or entries that are not consistent. Data that is dependent on the items being changed is updated. The cleanup utility provides for the following main functions:
Reverse Names - is used to cleanup name lists (Certifiers, Issuers and Instructors) into last name, first name format.
Merge Duplicates - is used to examine lists (Agencies, Certifiers, Incidents, Instructors, Issuers, Stations and Training Locations) for duplicate entries that are spelled slightly different or mean the same thing and merge the different entries into one.
View Dependencies - is used to determine other data that is dependent on a particular reference data item. For example, an issuer cannot be deleted from the Reference Table if that issuer is recorded in other data such as a person's task book. This utility gives the user a way to view the dependencies in one screen. Dependent data can also be shifted to a new item in the list using this utility. Dependencies can determined for State-NWCG, Org Level 1-5, Agencies, Certifiers, Courses, Dispatch, Employment Status, Incidents, Instructors, Issuers, Jet Port, Jobs, Providers, Stations, Team/Crews and Training Locations.
Reassign Organizations - is used to move several individuals from one organization to another.