Add New User

New users can be added to IQS by a user with the Manager role.


Steps to add a new user

  1. Left click on the Administration/Maintain Users menu option.

  2. Left click on  Add New User located at the bottom center part of the screen.

  3. A screen will be displayed for you to enter the new user information.

    NOTE: If your screen shows some of the fields highlighted in yellow this is because of a setting in the Google toolbar that has an auto fill feature.  If you would like to change the setting so that fields are displayed properly go to Views/Toolbar on your browser and make sure that Google is unchecked.  

  4. Enter the new user's information. Begin typing a new unique username to create a new user.

  5. You can select one or more Permission Groups for users given the role "Data Entry Support".  This box is greyed out for all other roles.  Click on a group to select it.  Hold down the CTRL key to select more than one group.  Selected groups are highlighted in BLUE.

  6. When entering a password you can either enter a password manually of your choosing or you can left click on Auto Generate Password and this will automatically generate a password for the user.

  7. When you are done entering the new user's information left click on Add User  to save the new user information.

  8. Left click on Cancel Changes if you do not wish to save.


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