Change Password

This option is used to change the password for the user you are currently logged in as. You will see the screen below.



Change Password


  1. Left click on the Tools/Change Password menu option.

  2. Click on Change Password.

  3. Enter the old password in the Old Password: text box.

  4. Enter the new password in the New Password: text box.

  5. Confirm the new password by entering it again in the Confirm Password: text  box.

  6. Left  click on Save Changes to save the new password changes.

  7. You will now be able to use the new password when entering the IQS system.



Please note that:



Change Password Field Definitions

(all fields are required)




New Password

(Char, 12)

The new password that you would like to change to.

Confirm Password

(Char, 12)

Retype the new password for confirmation.

Old Password

(Char, 12)

The old password that you want to change.


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