

From this page, you can read the general system description, find current news about the application, access links to IQSweb help and related information and login to the application.  


You will be required to login to the IQSweb application with a username and password.  Usernames and passwords will need to comply with industry standard requirements such as minimum number or characters, requirements for capitals, special characters and numbers, and time frame to reset.


If you do not know your IQS Username and Password, ask your IQS system manager. When IQS was installed, the system administrator was given a starting password to enter IQS and set up IQS users.  


Steps to Login

  1. Type the URL address in your browser.

  2. Left click in the "Username" field in the Login box and type in your username.

  3. Left click in the "Password" field or press the Tab key that is located on your computer keyboard.

  4. Enter your password.

  5. Left click on the Login button Login  or press the Enter key on your computer keyboard.

  6. After successfully logging in, you will be able to access IQSweb menu options based on the role given to your user id.  


NOTE: After 5 failed attempts at logging in, your account will be locked and you will receive an message telling you your account is locked.  Contact your system administrator to unlock your account.  This can be done by an IQS Manager on the Maintain Users page.

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