Archiving Individuals

The Archive button is used to set the State NWCG code to archive.  When an individual has been archived they will be removed from IRWIN Integration.  When archiving an individual you must first click on the Edit this Persons button located at the bottom of the screen in order to proceed to archiving the individual.


Clicking the archive feature Archive changes the person's State/NWCG code to Archive but leaves all the organization levels for that person alone.  It also unchecks the Integration check box.  The person will be show as removed on the IRWIN Integration management page.  After clicking on the archive feature  Archive make sure to save your changes by clicking on the Save Changes button  Save Changes  located at the bottom of the screen.


To un-archive a person you will need to change the State/NWCG code and then select all the organization levels for that person by using the drop down lists.  If this is an INTEGRATION person the box will need to be checked by clicking on the box to the right of Integration?.  Make sure to save your changes by clicking on the Save Changes button   located at the bottom of the screen.




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