Copy Another Roster

The Copy Another Roster tab in Student Selections lists individuals (within the orgs you have defined in the filter) who are listed on the roster of another course in IQS.  You can select students from another courses roster to add to the roster of the course you are making student selections.






  1. In the Copy Another Roster grid, use the down arrow in the Select course box to choose which other course roster to copy from.

  1. Select or de-select individuals for the course by clicking in the checkbox   under the column heading "Select".  
  2. Click the Add Selections to Roster button to make the changes final.  The students you have selected will be displayed on the Roster tab.  
  3. If you would like to edit an individual's information such as the planned date or location, click on the Edit button  .  After making the appropriate changes click on the Insert   or Cancel button   to complete the process.