The job prerequisites screen is used to define the experience and training required to perform a given job. When a job is selected, the experience prerequisites for that position are displayed in the middle grid named "Experience prerequisites for selected Job" and the training prerequisites for that position are displayed in the bottom grid named "Training prerequisites for selected Job".
This information is used to show the position requirements when entering a person’s target position Certifications/Target Positions.
NOTE: Clicking the mouse on
most of the column headings will allow the user to sort that column by
or descending
The NATIONAL data distributed in this table is based on the latest version of the NWCG PMS 310-1Guide.
Job Code |
(Char, 10) |
Job code. (Display only) (Drop-down list) |
Hazard |
(Char, 2) |
Type of hazard which pertains to the job. (Display only) (Drop- down list) |
Job Title |
(Char, 50) |
Job title. (Display only) (Drop-down list) |
Experience Prerequisites Field Definitions |
*Job Code |
(Char, 10) |
Job code of prerequisite experience. (Drop-down list) |
*Hazard Type |
(Char, 2) |
Type of hazard which pertains to the prerequisite experience. (Drop-down list) |
*Job Title |
(Char, 50) |
Job title. (Drop-down list) |
*Exp Type |
(Char, 3) |
Indicates the type of experience required for the position. (Drop-down list) |
*Group |
(Integer) |
The group number indicates a set of prerequisites that together must all be satisfied in order for the requirement to be met. Each group is a possible combination of positions a person must have performed to be qualified. If they meet all the requirements in any one group, they satisfy the prerequisite. |
*Standard |
(Char, 15) |
Level of standard by which job prerequisites is defined (National, State, Region, Agency Specific). National level codes are based on NWCG 310-1. (Drop-down list) |
Training Prerequisites Field Definitions |
*Course Code |
(Char, 50) |
Course code of job's prerequisite course. (Drop-down list) |
*Hazard Type |
(Char, 2) |
Type of hazard which pertains to the training prerequisite. (Drop-down list) |
*Course Title |
(Char, 100) |
Title of the prerequisite course. (Drop-down list) |
*Prereq. Type |
(Char, 2) |
Indicates whether the prerequisite is for required training or suggested training. (Drop-down list) |
*Standard |
(Char, 50) |
Standard by which this prerequisite is defined. (Drop-down list) |