This screen is used to maintain a standard list of codes for incident hazard types. Each job and training course in the IQS system is also identified by the hazard type. For IQS to track the training and qualifications for other hazard areas, jobs and courses can be added that are designated by hazard such as UI for Urban Interface.
NOTE: This list was determined by the IQS Development Team from research on several emerging standards for all-hazard tracking. No national standard yet exists for these codes. To help maintain a consistent set of codes nationally for IQS please contact the NWCG Incident Operations Standards Working Team Chair at NIFC, 3833 S. Development Ave., Boise, ID 83705.
NOTE: Clicking the mouse on
most of the column headings will allow the user to sort that column by
or descending
*Abbreviation |
(Char, 2) |
Type of hazard (i.e., WF for Wildfire, RX for Prescribed Burn). |
Description |
(Char, 50) |
Description of the hazard type. |