Certification Edits and Checks

You will be entering certification records for persons under several scenarios such as from historical data, or for a new person or new target position for the person.


The order in which you should enter the individual’s records for qualifications, training, experience, target positions and task books can be different under each scenario. It is important to understand the logic programmed into the IQS system so you can determine how to use the system to update certifications.  


The table below describes the automated edit checks and updating that occur within the Certification areas when records are updated.  






Task Book Initiated





(Certifier and Certified date are blank)

No qualification.

Explanation of program action.

TRN qual is created, effective date of qual = initiated date of task book.

Expired qualification (TRN or JOB).

Explanation of program action.

Qual is updated: type = TRN, effective date of qual = initiated date of task book.

Current TRN qualification.

Explanation of program action.

Qual is updated: effective date of qual = initiated date of task book.

Current JOB qualification.


Qual is updated: type = TRN, effective date of qual = initiated date of task book.

No target.

Option to create.

Create at user’s request.

Target exists.

Message but no option.

No change.





Task Book Completed (or any other edit)



(Certifier and Certified date are blank)

Same as above.

Same as above.

The program will display a message even if there is no need to change the qualification or target.

Same as above.

The program will ‘update’ the qual type and effective date each time the task book is changed.  If the Task Book initiated date has not changed and the task book has not expired, this ‘update’ will leave the qualification values the same as before.





Task Book Certified





(Certifier and Certified date are filled in)

No qualification.

Explanation of program action.

JOB qual is created, effective date of qual = certified date of task book, certifier for qual = certifier for task book.

Expired qualification (TRN or JOB).

Explanation of program action.

Qual is updated: type = JOB, effective date of qual = certified date of task book, certifier for qual = certifier for task book.

Current TRN qualification.

Explanation of program action.

Qual is updated: type = JOB, effective date of qual = certified date of task book, certifier for qual = certifier for task book.

Current JOB qualification.

Explanation of program action.

Qual is updated: effective date of qual = certified date of task book, certifier for qual = certifier for task book.

No target.

Message but no option.

No change.

Target exists.

Option to delete.

Delete at user’s request.





Task Book Deleted

No qualification.

Explanation of program action.

No change.

TRN qualification (current or expired).

Explanation of program action.

Qualification is deleted.

JOB qualification (current or expired).

Explanation of program action.

No change.

No target.

Message but no option.

No change.

Target exists.

Option to delete.

Delete at user’s request.





Experience Recorded


(See Maintain Currency Program Logic for more details)

No maintained qualification.

Warning message.

No change.

TRN qualification (current or expired).


Current JOB qualification.

No message.


No message.

No change.


qual expiration date = later of (a) experience date + currency period for the position or (b) existing expiration date.

Expired Job qualification.

Warning Message

No change.





Target Positions


Training Planned

Date Entered

Training record does not exist.

No message.

A training record is created on the Training tab.








When RT training is added or changed, it may affect the ‘Red Card Ready’ or ‘Integration’ flags on the Qualifications tab.

Changes on the Training tab can also affect the status of the Training prerequisites on the Target Positions tab.








Changes to Qualifications can affect the status of the Experience prerequisites on the Target Positions tab.  This includes Qualifications that are updated indirectly by completing a task book.


Changes to Qualifications can trigger a integration update.



Entering records from historical data


NOTE: The expiration date that IQS automatically enters for the qualification will be the date the qualification was effective plus the certification period (3 or 5 years). If the effective date for the qualification is 3 or 5 years prior to the current date, the qualification will automatically show the lapsed date highlighted in red. You should manually change the expiration date to the date that the qualification expires. If you do not do this the currency will not be maintained correctly.


Entering records for a new person or a new target position for a person


NOTE: If you use the training scheduling feature of IQS to schedule and post course results IQS will automatically update the persons training record. If you do not use the training modules contained within the IQS system you will have to update the persons training record by entering the course completed date under the training tab.