Email Settings

A user with the role of Manager can configure the email settings so that emails can be sent directly from IQSweb by selecting the menu option Administration/IQSweb Settings and then click the Email Settings tab on the IQSweb Settings page.  The IQSweb email function uses the standard SMTP interface to send emails.  Email must be configured before any of the Emailing options within the application can be used.  In most cases, you will need to get the email settings from your local IT administrator.  In addition, firewall rules may need modified to allow email access depending on your agency’s server configurations.




Email Status

The message displayed below the Email Status indicates if the email setting have been successfully configured once the settings are saved.  You will need to enter the correct settings and successfully send an email in order to get the green success message.  Contact your agency’s IT department for help.


Steps to configure the email settings:


  1. Enter the following values to configure IQSweb to use your email settings:
    1. Email Server (required): enter the address for the email server used for outgoing emails
    2. Email Port (required): enter the port number that is used by your email server (the default SMTP port is 25)
    3. Email Server Username (optional): enter the username that will be used to send emails from IQSweb
    4. Email Server Password (optional): enter the password for the user account that will be used to send emails from IQSweb.  The password is encrypted before being stored in the IQSweb database.
    5. Email Pickup Directory: If your email server requires an email pickup directory, enter the location for the directory as it is on the server
    6. Require SSL: Check this box if your email server requires SSL to send emails
    7. Default Email Address: IQS by default sends emails from the email address specified for the user attempting to send an email. If that user’s email address is not entered, the Default Email Address entered here is used in its place.
    8. Once you have entered all the configuration settings, click Save Email Settings.

  2. Next, enter an email address to send a test email (most likely your own email account or an account to which you can access) and click Send Test Email.
  3. After sending the email, open your email program and validate that you have successfully received the test email for the account you entered in the test.
  4. Go back to IQSweb.  At the bottom of the email settings page, click Yes if you successfully received the test email.  Click No if the test email was not received.

If we were not able to receive the test email, continue to work with your IT department to get the correct settings entered until the test is successful.